• Our Vision


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    Our Vision came into focus after a forced retirement.



    At ACOMDev our goal is helping disabled veterans find employment opportunities in the IT industry. Meaningful work, work that can be done regardless of location or physical impairment.


    After a forced retirement, trying to restore focus, I took a trip to Florida to watch the Blue Angels end of season air show. While in Florida I happened to see a program about a group helping disabled veterans acquire homes for their families. Then I realized, we could help too!


    We can help disabled veterans find IT work. With a laptop and an internet connection they can work from anywhere, at home, in a wheelchair, or bedridden. That's when the organization Help US Help Them was formed.


    I want to use this concept as a way to help disabled veterans find meaningful employment helping them build security for their families and themselves while helping ACOMDev expand and improve our support capability.


    We are not asking for a donation, but we are asking for an opportunity to win your business. Your business will help us expand the opportunities that make it possible for us and for them.


    By awarding your IT support and development business to ACOMDev we will be able to create jobs earmarked for disabled veterans. Some vets will have the skills needed from their military career, others may need additional training, but in all cases our combined singular goal is dedicated to supporting your company as our top priority.


    It's a win-win. An excellent, competitively priced level of IT support from IT experts with more than 30-years in the IT industry, and the esprit de corps earned as a veteran. I'm proud to claim the title of U.S. Marine. and I'm proud to be associated with our disabled veterans. All of us dedicated to earning your trust through the excellent support that we offer.


    We need your support, Help US Help Them.